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Holding an annual meeting and honoring the best of the Pardis Technology Park; Dehghani: Meeting core needs and knowledge-based market creation are two transformational approaches in science and technology parks

The ceremony of the 20th annual meeting and recognition for the best of the Pardis technology park was held with the presence of the vice president of science and technology.

Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Acting Vice President of Science and Technology, pointed out that science and technology are rightly known as the path of development and progress of our country and continued: In 2005, an article was published in Nature magazine, in which Our Supreme Leader was mentioned, wants the society to learn science and knowledge, and this call puts the country well on the path of developing knowledge and technology, so that today we are witnessing this remarkable transformation in the country's universities, science and technology centers.

This article also points out that Iran's scientific authority can be restored except with political turmoil and more sanctions.

Acting Vice President of Science and Technology, stating that we are proud that the wise leader of the Revolution, with a long and far-sighted view, has drawn the country's development path based on science and technology, said: We believe that this is the only point that can be a favorable support for progress. And achieving excellence and transformation is knowledge and technology, and this can be achieved with high-minded manpower, new thoughts and ideas from prominent scientists, which we see as the main capital of the country.


Emphasizing that all parts of the country should move towards the realization of the national system for innovation and the penetration of technology in all parts, he continued: the progressive law of leapfrogging knowledge-based production, which every effort is to be implemented this year, is one of the platforms, which can achieve our goal and guarantee the achievement of the national innovation system.

Pointing out that innovative and developed ideas in science and technology parks are important, but not enough, he continued: There is still a long way to reach the real share of the country's economy from the ecosystem of innovation. A significant part of the economy is still state-owned, and the knowledge-based economy will not happen unless influential institutions, including ministries and various government agencies, seriously come to the fore and support knowledge-based companies.

Dehghani stated that science and technology parks should move towards content development, and continued: Science and technology parks have good physical and privileged attractions, and companies have also welcomed this platform, and there has been good infrastructure development in this area. However, these parks should become a place to meet the needs of all parts of the country.

He pointed out that science and technology parks should make a fundamental change and be a platform to create a market for knowledge-based companies and meet the most important needs of the country, he added: science and technology parks should make a change in attitude and reach the markets for ideas. All turnover in knowledge-based companies is not as much as the social responsibility of some large companies, and it is necessary to exceed the turnover figures of companies.

The acting vice president of science and technology continued: Science and technology parks can achieve synergy and interaction in the technology and innovation ecosystem while meeting national needs, because synergy and interaction on the basis of these parks can be the basis for the formation of big companies.

Dehghani, stating that the market is the most important need of the technology and innovation ecosystem, said: Although the knowledge-based economy starts with startups, it is with large and powerful knowledge-based companies that can gain a share of the economy.

He added: "Implementation of new attitude is another issue that should be paid attention to." It is the use of knowledge and the foundation of knowledge that makes sustainability and competition in the market possible. Attention should be paid to knowledge-based processes.

The acting vice president of science and technology stated: The evaluation and valuation systems in the economy must be transformed so that big industries are encouraged in this area.


Recognition of the best and unveiling Made in Iran products

In another part of this ceremony, 12 Made in Iran products of knowledge-based companies were symbolically unveiled. These products include stainless steels, deep well slotting robot, rotating tube washing nozzle, fluid flow meter, physical layering in the vapor phase by electron beam, industrial espresso machine, sideload, Acid pro software for simulating the acidification of wells. Oil, powder and bone fragments are also sugar control medicine. Also, in this call, more than 60 products from 122 companies have been reviewed and evaluated, and the best companies and their products were honored at the 20th annual conference of Pardis Technology Park.


The call for the best started at the beginning of June 2022 and continued until August of this year.

The top companies of the elite growth center of Shayan Fanavaran Amitis, Pasargad Teb Ilsa, Tavanmadsazan Fanavarihaye Novin and Ariatab Birouz were introduced as the top exporters with the export of hemodialysis machines. Tavan Pejohan Fanavar Pasargad Company was recognized as the best company in economic development and Fanap Company was recognized as the best company in organizational promotion and development. Gostran Sanaye Novin Pars was introduced as the top company in technology development. The title of the best unit of Fanawar Park in 2021 was awarded to Aria Teb Firouz Company.


At the end of this ceremony, the Acting Vice President of Science and Technology visited the Pardis Technology Park. Pardis Technology Park was established as the largest technology park in the country in 2001. So far, more than 400 technological and knowledge-based units in the fields of advanced technologies such as information and communication technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, new materials, mechanics and automation have been accepted as members. Pardis innovation, knowledge, entrepreneurship and the 4th phase of the park, along with the University of Pardis Innovation District, are different parts of the development phases of Pardis Technology Park, which will form the "Pardis Innovation District" with a development horizon of 1000 hectares.

Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

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